El Museum Garage gana 3 premios en los 2018 FTPA Award of Excellence
Nuestro Museum Garage ha ganado el 2018 FPTA Award of Excellence en 3 categorías diferentes: Parking Structure Architecture, Parking Structure Design y Parking System Innovation. Enhorabuena a Tim Haahs (architect-of-the-record) y a todos nuestros amigos del equipo del Museum Garage (K/R, J. Mayer H., Nicolas Buffe y WORKac).
Our Museum Garage has won the 2018 FPTA Award of Excellence in 3 different categories: Parking Structure Architecture, Parking Structure Design and Parking System Innovation. Congratulations to Tim Haahs (architect-of-the-record) and all our friends from the Museum Garage team (K / R, J. Mayer H., Nicolas Buffe and WORKac).
Pic by Javier Sánchez (Tim Haahs).