Baraka Headquarters
Murcia, 2013
1st Prize
Premios Promoción Inmobiliaria APIRM 2014
Arquia/Próxima Award 2014
Between transparency and reflection.
The project works on the entire storey of a building, placed in the north end of Gran Vía: a panopticon over the city.
Urban regulations required to keep sections and lay-outs of window-frames. Other constraints were caused by a considerable number of fixed pillars, drainpipes and air ducts, chaotically distributed all over the floor plan, and a scarce clearance height, occasionally limited to 2,30 m by the beams.
Two clearly different spaces were needed, concerning access and privacy: common areas for employees and visitors, and management.
Company needs required to enclose individual spaces, though simultaneously keeping the feeling of belonging to the same firm. So, a series of offices were attached to the façade, along the outer perimeter, in the form of curved glass bubbles, whose transparency lets perceive the whole floor plan and its relation with the outside. The inner perimeter, on the other side, was materialized by a continuous skin of bright laminate with a pattern of circles in relief, whichlinks the different areas and houses the service spaces.
The counterpoint is provided by the covering of existing pillars, drainpipes and air ducts, which hide behind lots of chrome tubes, in different colors and sizes, which characterize the project. This combination of transparencies and reflections gives the spaces a degree of distortion that blurs the visual boundaries between them.
Pavements (in-situ-polished white marble in the circulation areas and solid cumaru floorboards in the offices, using the same size and pattern) provide the project with the required feeling of quality, firmness and smartness.
The management area,where entries from the previous spaces are not evident, contrasts by its extreme hermeticness. Starting from the same range of finishings, in this case the walnut wood ceiling contributes to give the room its necessary status, according to its function.
Design Credits:
Architecture and interior design by CLAVEL ARQUITECTOS
Partners in Charge: Manuel Clavel Rojo / Luis Clavel Sainz
Team: Diego Victoria García, David Hernández Conesa
Photography: David Frutos (BISimages)